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I really am ashamed Dear Augusta to think how long you have waited for your two Pounds I send then in haste to You - I do feel for you from my heart that you have parted from Dear [[underline]] George [[/underline]]. I trust it will not be for as long a [[underline]] Period [[/underline]] as you now think; and thank God the same Kind Providence [[underline]] is all the World over, and [[/underline]] will protect your Dear good Son the same at [[underline]] Corfu [[/underline]] as in London, I hope the Air of Brighton may be of use to Your [[unclear]] Sleep. Neither Meat nor drink are equal to a good long refreshing Sleep. Yesterday I passed a great day at Dear Kew driving in the Grounds which always does my Heart good - and [[underline]] Calms [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Soothes [[/underline]] & [[underline]] Comforts me [[/underline]] bringing me back to long happy days [[unclear]] and to return again! God bless you My Dear Augusta Your very truly Afft. friend Augusta C. H. St James Palace June 21st 1839

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