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I am ashamed of having written as much about myself and my own [[unclear]], but your [[unclear]] [[unclear]] I hope you are both well though the [[unclear]] [[unclear]] Today it is a hard frost but a fine [[unclear]] in my garden makes it delightfull in the [[unclear]] place I hope Dear lady [[unclear]] has had the [[unclear]] [[unclear]] The [[underline]] [[unclear]] [[/underline]] and [[underline]] [[unclar]] of the Castle [[/underline]] they are both most beautifully [[unclear]] I now read any books with greater interest on my life -- It quite [[underline]] makes [[/underline]] me [[underline]] happy [[/underline]] to think that [[underline]] Col [[unclear]] [[unclear]] is [[unclear]] [[/underline]] at last. I saw His [[unclear]] in the Papers and rejoice at it [[unclear]] for them both. I have not lost any [[underline]] interest [[/underline]] [[unclear]] [[underline]] [[unclear]] [[/underline]] and [[underline]] hope [[unclear]] [[/underline]] though God knows this is such a [[underline]] [[unclear]] [[unclear]] [[/underline]]! God bless you both Ever Your most attached friend Augusta