Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/084], reporting that the 'first Minister' had informed the Bishop of Rochester that 'they are contriving something against the Prince' and that 'our freinds [sic] assure us of good consequences', and asking Mrs Clayton to come to Geminghen when she is sufficiently well; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/032a].

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[[foreign: French]] Jespere ma chere Klethon que vous ne ferais pas anrume mevenan voir, lon [[unclear]] que que choses qu'ontre le P et le p mir. ladit et avoué a L'Eque de Rochester je vous pris de vous informer, nos amis nous assure d'une bone Ensuit, vous me ferait Plaisir de venir ché lagemingen, je suis tres tandrementavous [[/foreign]] Caroline