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Madam, As your Majy. has been so gracious as to Order me to write an Answer to the Letter you have honour'd me with I must beg leave in the first place to return my most humble thanks for the very gracious manner in wch. it is express'd, & then offer my Answer to each particular. As to the [[underline]] Right [[/underline]] of Appointing the Sub Governess, I never meant (however I may have express'd myself) to suppose it was in [[underline]] Me, [[/underline]] but only that the Person with whom I must be so connected from my Place, should be One, whose Principles & Sentiments were known to [[underline]] Me [[/underline]] to be such as I could recommend as correspondant to my own, nothing being certainly so detrimental in Education as a Contrariety of Opinions in those that are to act together in so important an Undertaking. therefore I assure your Majesty I did not mention it as a Claim on any other Foundation but the Reason of the Thing, having really nobody I wish particularly to recommend. The Arrangements your Majesty proposes to make are ^ [[addition]] certainly [[/addition]] very judicious & ^ [[addition]] very [[/addition]] considerate towards all the Attendants, but as yr Majesty is pleas'd to say, after graciously Granting my Request of 2 Days in the week to See my Friends that you would have my Attendance [[underline]] increas'd [[/underline]] on the other days, I must beg leave to represent to your Majesty that, As I have always look'd upon it, as the Greatest

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