Letter from John Belson to General Jacob de Budé, thanking him for his interest and requesting assistance in acquiring a situation as a Barrack Master or Pay Master.

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places are the same to me indeed person's circumstanced as I am soliciting favors when they have [[underline]] no claims [[/underline]] ought to have no choice. All I hope I again repeat is that I live in hopes you will not forget me as occasion serves. A Quarter master in the Marines or Barrack master is given to [[underline]] Officers [[/underline]] I am a very old, reduced, first Lieutenant in that Corps and there will be [[underline]] vacancies [[/underline]]. I have taken a lodging where I date this from for the air, instead of in Town, where a line will find me or at Mr Cox's Pay Office Bartlett's buildings Holborn [[underline]] always [[/underline]] I have the honor to be with all possible respect and gratitude (Sir) Your most obedient most Hble Servant John Belson