Letter from John Belson to General Jacob de Budé, requesting £10 to enable him to go to take up his commission in Newcastle.

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11 Arabella Row, Pimlico 18th of Octr 1803 Sir Your letter, found me, as ill and as unhappy as man can be. This shall be my last intrusion on so painful a subject I am deeply sensible of all favour, and that I have no claim whatever upon you; my distresses and misfortunes in life led you first, to honor me with notice. I can own they remain in [[underline]] full force [[/underline]] and I hope you will not give me or my cause up, till I obtain a something to support myself and family in a decent way. My Commission still awaits me if I cou'd go to Newcastle under Lyne so any favour [[addition]] ^ I have received [[/addition]] I have got a certificate, as Col.l. Elliot desird me, and I shall [[addition]] ^ have [[/addition]] pay [[underline]] on signing [[/underline]] from 22.d of July, deducting fee of Commission. I have every thing that can be got in [[underline]] these times [[/underline]] ready, and, dead, or alive, will go down if I had the means: I have not a resource under Heaven or woud scorn to pain you. In a word £10 will enable me to go down, receive back pay, and have £103 a year, if you refuse it, all is lost. For I have no friend on earth. I am in your