Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting that Adm. Sir George Rodney had sailed for Jamaica with various identified ships, commenting on the lack of frigates (which are useful for watching the enemy), his suspicions of what the French may do next and the need for readiness if they proceed to America, and again criticising Rodney's lack of action in pursuing the fleeing enemy fleet.

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and [[underline]] flying, [[/underline]] and [[underline]] not pursued! [[/underline]] So soon as the Ville de Paris had struck Sir George’s faculties seem to have been benumed farther than respected that ship alone; and I am every day more & more convinced, by the declarations of officers then on board the Formidable, that the Ville De Paris’s [[underline]] striking, [[/underline]] wa the sole occasion of the Fleets being [[underline]] brought too, [[/underline]] and [[underline]] laying too the whole night. [[/underline]] Had it been my lot, to have Commanded His Majesty’s Fleet on the 12th and passed by the opportunity of raising the Glory of my Country, as I am grieved to say [[underline]] was done; [[/underline]] I should have thought my head would have been justly required, for such glaring, and shamefull neglect. My Feelings are so strong. I must express myself so, [[addition]] ^ to you [[/addition]] to give vent to the perturbation, and Anguish of my mind; and sooner than undergo a continuance of what I have so very painfully done, for several weeks past; I would be content to be placed on a Welch Mountain, to gather buttons as they fall from a Goat’s Tail I now hourly expect a ship from Sir George and will keep my letter unsealed till she comes. Ever my dear General & most affectionately yours Sam: Hood

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