Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting that Adm. Sir George Rodney had sailed for Jamaica with various identified ships, commenting on the lack of frigates (which are useful for watching the enemy), his suspicions of what the French may do next and the need for readiness if they proceed to America, and again criticising Rodney's lack of action in pursuing the fleeing enemy fleet.

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of Sir George’s dispatches, in consequence of our Victory on the 12th — and though 26 sail of the Line, require three [[underline]] repeaters, [[/underline]] one for each division, The Champion which has all along been my repeater, is the only one now in the Squadron, and no frigate of any sort besides I do not feel pleasant on that score, thinking it not only proper, but highly necessary, the combined fleet at the Cape, should be very closely watched, which cannot be done, but by stout, fast sailing frigates with safety; and I and I am not free from apprehensions, that if the Enemy, should judge an attack upon Jamaica not prudent or practicable which I think not very unlikely; The French may return with part of their ships & Troops, to windward, knowing as they must, that we have no force there, to resist, whatever they may attempt; we cannot therefore be too watchfull in looking forward, and guarding against any feasible plan. There is another very material object we ought to have a carefull eye to, that, of the Enemy’s proceeding to America, by putting His Majesty’s Squadron in a condition to follow, as expeditiously as possible; at present [[catchword]] it [[/catchword]]

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