Letter [copy?] from Capt. Thomas Spry to Rear-Adm. Joshua Rowley forwarding information recently received that the Spanish intended to return to the Cape towards the end of October to join the French in an attack on Jamaica, and reporting other information about movements of enemy ships and troops.

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Ullyses off Turks Islands. Septemr. 27" 1782. Dear Sir/ Having this Moment received some Letter from Captain Douglas which were found on one of the Prisoners (taken in the Schooner about a Week ago) which containing some information relative to the intention of the Spaniards to return to the Cape the latter end of October to join the French in an Attack, on, -- Jamaica: I have Judged it my Duty ( . tho’ she would have been of great use to me on my Cruize,) to send the Prize to acquaint you with it, I also send you many other Letters in which you may probably find some other corroborating Intelligence—When the Prize sailed there was at the Havannah [[underline]] Seventeen Sail of the Line [[/underline]] and two Frigates ready for Sea; and one of the Spaniards informs me, that a few days before he sail’d a Packet arriv’ed with intelligence that Mr Bonet, the late Admiral at the Havannah) had Arrived about Six Weeks ago at Martiniro with twelve of the Line [[catchword]] and [[/catchword]]