Duplicate of a letter from Rear-Adm. Robert Digby to King George III, replying to instructions received and reporting that he will place Prince William with Lord Hood, praising Hood despite their differences of opinion over prize money, commenting on the future employment of those currently in attendance on the Prince (Mr Majendie, Mr Waddington and Capt. Napier) and strongly advising that the latter should be kept with the Prince, giving his opinion of the Prince's character and abilities, and recommending Capt. Elphinstone.

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danger’s and indulge myself with assuring you Sir, That he is at present a very fine Young Man, fond of his Profession to a degree, and with more knowledge in it than most Officers in ye Service, of a Temper to make an excellent Officer, & spirits to go thro any thing, Yet perfectly ready to comply wt any rules or advice I have ever given him, Tho in many respects not so prudent as I cd: wish, But I shou’d be ungratefull if I did not feel great obligation and Affection for His R:Hss for his great attention to me. I must still trespass a little longer upon Your Majys time first to recommend to Yr. Majys. favor Captain Elphinston who will be the bearer of my dispatches, and with whom as I have mention’d in former letters, I thought proper to entrust Prince William of which I have no reasons to repent. Had I [[addition]] ^ not [[/addition]] receiv’d any instructions from Your Majesty relative to his R:Hss before the winter set in, I propos’d to have sent him again under his care & was fitting L’Aigle the Warwicks

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