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said as he went to Sleep the Thursday night he told Mama "I lay myself down thank God with a good Conscience better than those who [[underline]] ill treated [[/underline]] me [[underline]] to day [[/underline]] - As he went into the House the Chancellor asked the King whether it was true he had [[underline]] been shot at by a Gun [[/underline]] (The Kings answer was) [[underline]] Man proposes & God disposes [[/underline]] The Guards and Life Guards behaved so well that Papa Cries over them as did the 10 my Brothers Regiment I wish the Play [[deletion]] went [[/deletion]] [[addition]] had [[/addition]] gone off as well as all those that loved the King could have wished, some things happened one would [[deletion]] have [[/deletion]] [[addition]] had [[/addition]] not, but thank God they came home safe, but what a dreadful situation for Mama & My Sisters to be in indeed they are wonderfully well after all they have gone through so are we

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