Letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé commenting further on the difficulties between Prince William and Capt. Napier and the latter's decision to return to England, reporting that excursions had been made in Jamaica with Prince William, describing his plans to prevent a meeting of French and Spanish squadrons and reporting news he had received about the movements of enemy ships.

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now in every respect perfectly well I am unable to express to you my dear General the effusion of Joy Prince William gave to all rank and degrees of people—addresses full of Duty & Loyalty to the King, and affection to His Royal Highness were presented, and I hope the answers the Prince gave will be approved by our Royal Master. There was a subscription on foot, for the relief of the destroyed inhabitants drive from Honduras, and for the Loyalists lately arrived from North America, under the same description; I thought these unhappy suffering people, were proper objects of His Royal Highnesses attention, and He gave to each fifty pounds currency—A Troop of militia Horse voluntarily came many miles from the country, to attend Prince William on landing, as well as in His excursions, out of Duty to the King, and respect to His Royal Highness, [[catchword]] and [[/catchword]]

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